Just wanted to thank you for returning my seat and hardware. I must admit that the seat looks better today than a year ago when I got it. The seat is completely perfect and I cannot thank you enough. As I have always known, Corbin seats are worth the money spent and are the very best seat you can buy. The first time the seat came to me there was a spot on the front piece that was not exactly perfect and I attributed that to the leather it was made of. I was able to live with the small imperfection because it was very slight. The cuts on the side went un-noticed until I went to a show some time later. Now my seat is back and the cuts and the imperfection have disappeared. I am soooo happy and will be bragging about the quality, craftsmanship and good customer service I received. My bike looks great thanks to my Corbin seat.
Thank you,
Dino Hoylman