I just recieved the seat that I ordered from you. It is fantastic!
Perfect fit on the bike, perfect fit for my behind. This is the 3rd seat that i have purchased from you. Back in 1995-1996 I ordered one for a Kawasaki Vulcan 750 that was perfect. The next was one I got for my Honda Shadow Spirit 1100. As comfortable as the day I bought it and it has 65k miles supporting me. Unfortunately, when I got my Mean Streak I cheaped-out with a **other brand** solo seat that was a piece of junk.
So this puts me back where I belong and will allow me those 10 hour days traveling... and it is totally stunning on the bike.
Thank you for your attention, promptness and craftsmanship.
John Meehan
I'm emailing to say how impressed I am with the professionalism of the people at Corbin. Not too long ago, I ordered a custom seat to replace the stock seat on my `07 Vulcan Classic. And Sergiocalled me up on a Sunday to go over the details of what I needed / required in the seat. Just calling me by itself was amazing, then calling me on a Sunday, when most businesses are closed, was even more amazine, and spending the time to thoroughly go over my needs. Well, I can only say this is the Customer Service that has been lacking in way too many US Businesses. My Son-In-Law purchased a seat from Corbin and was very happy with it (custom fit) also. That was the deciding factor to not deal with an uncomfortable seat, or using a sheepskin to make it less uncomfortable.
Thank you again.
Gary S.